
Friday, April 26, 2013

B's birth story part 3, "The C-Section"

I wasn't worried about the c-section surgery, itself.  I was more concerned with what would happen afterwards because I know that the recovery time is much longer than a vaginal birth.  I knew that I could not hold my baby afterwards.  I knew that I would have trouble breastfeeding.  I knew it would take longer for me to get back into shape.  As they wheeled me to the surgery room, I just cried.  I just didn't know what else to do.  More challenges I was not sure how I could deal with.

When I got to the room, I remember the bright lights, just like when I had my D&Cs.  They transferred me from the hospital bed to an operating table that was incredible uncomfortable.  Soon they shot me up with stronger epidural meds so that made the discomfort slightly less.  The had my arms stretched out to the sides of my body on planks and they put up a curtain right in front of my chest.  My husband sat beside me and held my hand.  Several doctors stood behind me and several more behind the curtain.  I am not sure exactly how many doctors were there in the room, but it was at least 5, if not more.  There were also several nurses.  The lead doctor performing the surgery was the doctor who I had the Cytotec run-in with.  Figures, right?

Once the epidural took effect, I started to relax a little.  Things started moving pretty fast.  They explained to me that I would feel some pressure, pulling, and tugging and that this was normal.  I felt all of those things.  Several minutes later, I heard the main operating doctor's tone of voice change from normal to slightly frantic.  Apparently the baby's head really was stuck in my pelvis (hence the pain).  It took one doctor pushing the baby from the bottom (yes from my vag) and another pulling the baby to dislodge him.  They did do the delayed clamping that I had requested and then cut the cord.  The baby then started crying, but it wasn't the robust cry that I had imagined, like waaaaaaaaah, waaaaaaaaaah, waaaaaaaaah.  It was more like a wah......wah......wah.  My husband and I both cried.  He was alive.  This was what I had waited more than 2 years for.  It made everything seem so worth it.  This was our baby.

They took him to clean him off, weigh and measure him, to do the Apgar test, and get his vitals.  He weighed 9 lb, 2 oz and was 21 1/2 inches long.  Quite the big boy.  He scored a 9 on the Apgar.  After they were done with this they brought him over to my husband and my husband brought him over to me.  I gave him a kiss, but it was at this time that I started feeling really bad.  I was shaking pretty uncontrollably and I started feeling really, really drowsy.  They shot my left shoulder with some clotting medicine and it made me really sick to my stomach.  I felt like I was going to throw up, but since my stomach was still out in the open, it was a very disturbing feeling and I never actually threw up.  The doctors started sounding really serious and rushing all around.  The blood pressure cuff on my right arm was going off every minute or 2.  I could see my blood pressure dropping with each check on the monitor screen and this made me seriously anxious.  I started hyperventilating and frantically turning my head from side to side and looking at the screen with my vital signs.  The my blood pressure was lower every time I looked.  They told me to focus on my baby, but I could not.  I was fixated on my dropping blood pressure and I knew something was wrong.  At one point it was 80/50.  I felt like I was going to pass out.  I tried so hard to keep my eyes open, but they kept closing.  I was going in and out.  I was so afraid to close my eyes because I was afraid they wouldn't open again. They ended up giving me oxygen and several more of the sickening clotting shots in various places on my body.

I came to find out that my uterus would not contract after they pulled the baby out and I was bleeding like crazy.  Apparently, due to the fact that I had labored and pushed for so long, my uterus was extremely irritated.  It took them a long time to get things under control.  To me it seemed like an eternity.  Once my organs were put back in and I was stapled together, They declared the surgery a "success" and moved me back to the hospital bed.  They wheeled me back to my room.  I was shaking so badly.  I could not control it.  I wasn't cold, either, it was very odd.  I was quite out of it and kept forgetting why I was there.  I was so doped up on morphine and other meds that I almost forgot about my perfect little miracle baby.

This is when I started the long recovery process.  I had absolutely no idea what I was in for.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

B's birth story part 2, "Pushing"

Once the nurse told me that it was time to push, I got really excited.  Since they told me the baby was low and that they could see his head, I assumed that I would not be pushing for long and that I would get to see my little one before the end of the day.  The only bad thing they mentioned was that the baby was most likely "sunny side up", but they assured that they could most likely turn him as he was making his way out of the birth canal.

After the doctor came in and did one final check, I started pushing with the help of my husband and one of the nurses.  The nurse told me to take a deep breath in and then push out for 10 seconds like I was taking a bowel movement.  Taking a deep breath in was so painful that I would hesitate and not get enough air in to push.  The oxygen monitor on my finger kept beeping towards the end of each push because I was not taking in enough air to start the process.

One of the doctors that came in to check told me to imagine pushing my baby up towards the ceiling because the goal was to get him to go under my pelvic bone and then out.  The only thing that I really ended up expelling during the pushing was, well, you know.  At first I was embarrassed, but every time it happened they told me that was a great push so I just sucked it up and continued.  The nurse was discrete and I told my husband not to look.

About an hour into pushing, I started to feel less pain in my rib cage and more pain in my left pelvic area.  The pain hurt really bad when I pushed out.  The pushes that they told me were the most productive were the ones that hurt the most.  I started crying with each contraction because it hurt so bad.  I stopped pushing as productively.  I was so tired and irritated that I was making, what seemed like, no progress.

A little over 2 hours into pushing the doctor that I was not particularly fond of came in to assess the situation.  She did a very painful and long pelvic exam and when she finished, the look on her face said everything.  She told me that, the baby was going well overall, but that his head was starting to swell because he was stuck in my pelvis.  This explained the pain that I was feeling.  She said that they did not want to try the vacuum or forceps due to the risk of shoulder distocia in larger babies.  She said she would recommend a c-section, and sooner rather than later due to the fact that it was now past midnight and my body had been through enough.

I heard this news and I had a complete meltdown.  "Not my plan" and "this is so unfair" were the thoughts that were going through my head.  For some reason I felt the need to tell the nurse and several other doctors who came into the room that I had experienced multiple miscarriages and had a difficult pregnancy so it wasn't fair that this was now happening to me, too.  They were all very nice.  One doctor held my hand.  They tried to tell me that the baby was never going to fit out through my pelvis and that it was nothing that I did or could have done to prevent the situation.  I still felt like such a complete failure.  Why could I not birth my baby?  My mom had big babies.

I saw my husband getting on hospital scrubs while many doctors and nurses filed in about out of my room.  I just cried and cried.  I felt like taking that "birth plan" and ripping it to shreds as they locked my bed into position and started wheeling me to surgery.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

B's birth story part 1, "The Long Induction"

I am splitting this up into several posts since his birth was a very long and arduous process.  On Monday, April 15, I went to my 40+ week appointment expecting to have at least some change from the past week.  Well, no luck.  I was still stuck in the same place that I had been for the past 3 weeks and, in-fact, this time my doctor said I was a "stretchy 2 cm" instead of 3 (50% effaced, 0 station).  Talk about a punch to the gut.

We discussed my PUPPPs rash, which at this point, had spread to my entire arm and sides of my stomach.  It was starting to keep me even more awake at night.  I was supposed to be induced on 4/18, but the doctor decided that the PUPPPs rash was enough to induce sooner, so we decided on the next morning, 4/16.  I was relieved and excited at the same time.  They told me to go home, pack and then rest up for the long "day" ahead.  I had absolutely no idea what I was in for.

The rest of that day, I laid around and watched the terrible news about the Boston Marathon bombings. I have always wanted to run the Boston Marathon someday.  I laid glued to the TV for most of the afternoon, shocked and saddened that I was about to bring a baby into this kind of world.

The next day, April 16, we got up early and got all of our things together.  My husband's mother was coming to stay for the time that we were in the hospital to take care of the pets.  Such a relief for us.

We got to the hospital and checked in around 9:30 AM.  It was surreal.  I had been to the hospital so many times in the past year and a half and I have passed the obstetrical admitting area just as many times.  I never imagined that I would be actually going there to be admitted to have a baby.

Once we got checked in they helped us carry our things to the maternity ward.  I was greeted by a nurse who took my vitals, made me change into hospital gear, and then prepped me for an IV.  She was amazingly nice.  A resident came in as well and checked my "progress", which he stated was not a stretchy 2, but a solid 2.  Sigh.  He also told me that I was having a big baby and he counseled me on shoulder distocia.  That was a fun conversation.

Next it was time to be shown to the room where I "would" give birth.  It was a small and very warm room with a hospital bed, small, TV, and a fold out bed for my husband to sleep on.  I was almost immediately hooked up to a pitocin drip and there it was that we started the long induction process.  I was also hooked up to the NST monitor.  It was comforting to hear the baby's heart beat and see it on the screen.  The nurses and doctors all said that my baby was the "best behaved" on the floor and a definite overachiever because his heart rate and activity were so good.  :)

For the first few hours I felt nothing.  They let me order lunch and then dinner off of the GD menu.  No more than 70 carbs per meal.  Geeze.  That is way more carbs than I was used to!  I really felt nothing with the pitocin.  Some very minor contractions, but nothing painful.  I think I may have dilated to a full 3 cm.  Woohoo.

At around 9 PM the resident high-risk OB came in to discuss our options.  She mentioned Cytotec, Cervidil, and a balloon.  She strongly recommended the Cytotec, but I was dead set on never using that drug again since I had used it before my first D&C and I could not understand why they would give out a drug like that to induce labor.  It is not FDA approved for labor induction.  Out of all of the doctors that I had seen and would see, the doctor who was telling me to take the Cytotec was my least favorite.  When I told her my reservations and associations with it, she basically said that I could go another route, but that I would be potentially extending my labor out farther in kind of a snotty manner.  I told her that my husband and I needed time to think.  Once they left, I had my first of many hospital meltdowns.  I cried to my husband about the research that I had done around the drug and why I was so uncomfortable with it.  He told me that he would support me no matter which option I chose.

A few hours later, another doctor came in to check and see what my decision was.  She was one of my favorites that I met while I was there.  I explained to her again my hesitation and she gave me more information and answered all of my questions, very thoughtfully.  After talking with her for a while, I decided to go with the Cytotec after all.

They took me off the pitocin and and gave me one of the pills.  They told me that it would take 4 hours to do anything and that I would more than likely need at least one more dose after that one.  After taking the pill, my husband and I switched rooms because the heat in the room we had been in was unbearable and I could not imagine having a baby while being that hot.  Once we moved to a cooler room, I  slept for 4 hours until they came to wake me up to check my progress.  I made it to 4 cm, so they gave me another pill and I went 4 more hours until my next check.  Oh and I should mention that every 2 hours, someone would come in and test my blood sugar and check my vital signs.  I was constantly being awakened.

After my second Cytotec check, and around 8 AM the next morning, I had gotten to about 5 cm, 80%, 0 station.  The doctor on at that time came in and said that they were going to break my water and put me back on the pitocin to speed up the process.  Wow was that an odd feeling.  My water breaking was a huge gush, followed my many smaller gushes.  I felt immediately smaller and lighter.  They kept changing the pad that I was laying on because I kept soaking them.  Holy amniotic fluid!  Every time I would move more would gush out.  I think I had like 3 gallons in there!

Breaking my water and putting me back on pitocin made my contractions start to get more painful.  I had my husband give me some mini-massages on my lower back while sitting on the birthing ball for a while, but gradually the pain got really bad.  When it was to the point that I was crying during each contraction, I called for the epidural.  I didn't know how bad the pain would be, but so I wanted to see how far I could go and I definitely did.  I give serious credit to women who can go do it all without meds.

Once I got the epidural, I was feeling good for a while.  I even took a short nap.  It was great.  When I woke up I started to feel really itchy in the spots where my PUPPPs rash covered the upper part of my body, though.  It was itchy to the point of me wanting to scratch my skin off.  Not very much fun.  Then, not long after that, I started to feel pain in my mid-back on the left side.  The pain gradually started getting worse and pushing the button for a higher dose of meds did nothing so I talked to the anesthesiologist about it.  They confirmed that the pain was too high up to be relieved by the epidural, so basically I would have to suck it up and suffer, yay.

Doctors and nurses came and went over the next several hours while I laid on the table in partial pain.  The day turned into night and finally one of the doctors did a cervical check and I was finally 10 cm, 100% effaced, and zero station!  It was time to start pushing.  It was now 10 PM on 4/17.  What a long past 2 days.  

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Welcome baby B!!

So sorry for the delay in this post!  The last week has been a complete whirl-wind.  I will start documenting my long and crazy birth story soon, but I wanted to let you all know that Baby B has arrived!  He was born on April 18 at 1:23 AM via unplanned c-section.  He weighed 9 lb, 2 oz and was a whopping 21 1/2 inches long.  College football teams are already knocking on our door.  :)  Many other crazy things happened during our hospital stay that I can't really mention because this blog is anonymous, but suffice it to say that it was a crazy few days, but now we are finally home.

Mom and dad are in love with this cutie pie.  Never in our lives did we think, first of all that we would ever be lucky enough to have such a beautiful and healthy baby and second that we could love him so much.  We both cry at least once a day while looking at him and thinking of the true miracle that he really is.  We are so incredibly blessed.  We love him so much.  He was worth the wait and all of the difficult pregnancy and birth.

Thank you everyone for the pep talks in the weeks leading up to his birth.  I could never have gotten through the past 9 months had it not been for the AMAZING ladies that I have met through this blog.  I love you guys!! XOXO

Baby B with Daddy

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Induction today

So I am being induced this morning due to my plethora of issues...

I am hoping and praying that the induction works and that I don't need a c-section.  I guess whatever happens is ok by me in the end, as long as baby is ok.

Wish me luck!!  :)

Saturday, April 13, 2013


Somehow the "yeast infection" that I thought I had has blown into a rash that is now covering my stomach, breasts, and arms.  After consulting Dr. G.oogle and a few friends, I have come up with the determination that I now am dealing with PUPPPs, or pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy.  Right now I feel like I am on Mother Nature's Candid Camera.

I woke up yesterday with a rash under my left breast.  I called the doctor and talked to one of the nurses.  She suggested that it might be a yeast infection and to try OTC yeast infection treatment until my appointment on Monday.  I went out and bought the cream and started using it yesterday.  It did absolutely nothing.  By the afternoon, the rash had spread to underneath my right breast, my stomach, and my forearms.  I tried some cortisone cream and that did absolutely nothing.  Taking a shower was excruciating  not because of the pain, but because I wanted to jump out of my skin I was so itchy.

Sleeping also sucked last night.  Every time I woke up, I wanted to scratch.  I had to wear a sports bra to sleep because the rubbing of my skin was too much to handle.  This morning, surprise, the rash looks so much worse.  So much so that I decided to call the OB resident on call around 8:30 AM.  Well, it is now almost 12:30 PM and I have not gotten a call back.

I am seriously so itchy and miserable.  I have searched the internet to find remedies and have found a few, including something called G.randpa's P.ine S.oap.  Some people say that this is a miracle cure for the condition.  The problem is, no place around me seems to have this at the moment.  My husband went to G.NC last night and they were out of it.  Then he went to W.hole F.oods and they were also out of it.  I called around to several stores and they were either out of it, had never heard of it, or thought I was crazy.

Some other things that I have tried that have not worked are A.&D O.intment (diaper rash cream) and icepacks.  I found that I actually have one of the recommended corticosteriods from a previous rash before I got pregnant (yes, I seem to get rashes a lot).  I G.oogled that last night and found that is a class C drug, so I am not going to use that unless I talk to the doctor and determine that it the benefit outweighs the risk.  A call back any day would be fabulous.

The only other thing that I can really do is just bitch and scratch.  Oh and cry a little.  I seem to be doing lots of that in the past few days.  I think that if I were actually feeling some contractions or something that I might feel a little better knowing that the end was in sight.  

In case you were interested in what the rash looks like (scroll down)....rather than G.oogling which will show you some really disturbing images.  I think half of what comes up isn't even PUPPPs related since there were definitely pictures of guys and ummm I highly doubt those guys had a rash that occurs only in pregnancy.  DO NOT G.OOGLE for images.  Seriously, don't do it.



Friday, April 12, 2013

Due Date

So.... today is my due date and I am not really any closer to giving birth from what I can tell.  I really did not think that I would make it to 40 weeks and I thought that I would have gone into labor by now, but I guess I was wrong on all accounts.  I know that lots of FTM go after their due dates, but it is still kind of disheartening especially since I am not having any contractions to speak of.

Last night I started developing a rash under my left breast that is so super extremely itchy.  I put some hydrocortisone cream on it, but it does not seem to be doing anything.  I called the doctor and they suggested that it might be a yeast infection.  They told me to go out and get some M.onistsat and use it topically until I see them at my next appointment on Monday.  This rash goes lovely with my elephant feet/ankles and bluish belly button.

I have been going for walks every day with my dog.  We walk about 45-50 minutes through my hilly neighborhood.  It is a miserable time for me.  It is so hard to walk and I am so slow.  A few weeks ago I could cover 2.5-3 miles in this time and now I am just over a mile.  I am not even sure why I keep walking every day since it is miserable and it is not helping to induce labor.  I guess just for my dog.  I feel bad for him being in the house with me all day.  His life is going to change a lot in the next few weeks and I think he knows it now.   Poor guy.

I am also getting really anxious about the baby's movement.  He still moves quite a bit, but I feel like the times where he is quiet are starting to freak me out more and more.  Yesterday after my walk I laid down (on my left side) on the couch to rest and started a kick count.  The baby refused to move.  I poked him a little and still nothing.  I started to get worried so I changed to a sitting position and then I felt his familiar jabs right in the middle of my belly.  He moved pretty constantly after that so I think he was just sleeping from after my walk, but I will be so happy when I don't have to worry about that aspect of pregnancy anymore and I can see him.

I am so ready.  So very ready.  I am not sure what is taking him so long to make his appearance.  It is starting to make me crack up, honestly (and I don't mean with laughter).  How the heck did I get through the last 9 months without going crazy.  I feel like this last week has been the hardest so far.  Working from home has been a blessing and a curse.  I am tethered to my computer all day.  I just want to stop working now, but I still have stuff to do still.  I feel like I have no idea what day of the week it is since I have really only left the house to go for a walk each day and that is it.

Ok I'm done now.  I feel bad complaining about this stuff because honestly a year ago I would have given anything and everything to have a yeast infection under my left breast at 40 weeks pregnant.  Hormones are a crazy thing though and totally mess you up and make you feel things you never imagined you would feel.  Also maybe the lack of sleep is starting to cause issues with my mental state?  I don't know.  Anyways I am going to be doing the same old thing at least until my confirmed induction on 4/18.  I know that next week at this time I will for sure be waking up in the hospital and I pray with all my heart that I have my snuggly little boy safe in my arms.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

No change

My appointment yesterday was a little bit frustrating.  No change from last week, unfortunately.  I am still about 3cm, 50% effaced, baby is at 0 station.  The doctor was pretty surprised to see me at my appointment as he thought there was a good chance I would have given birth last week.

My BPP was good.  The baby was a little stubborn and didn't practice his breathing until the very end of the scan.  He was moving all over the place as usual though.  I joked with my husband..."Why does he need to practice his breathing since it seems like he is going to stay in my uterus forever?!"  He ended up with an 8/8.  My fluid is still high-normal.

The growth scan scared the crap out of me, once again.  So, two weeks ago he was measuring right about 50%.  Yesterday he was back up to measuring 75% and about 8lb 7oz.  The ultrasound tech told me to take it with a grain of salt though because when the quarters get so tight, it is very hard to measure the baby.  My doctor agreed with the tech and told me that he thought the baby would be closer to 8 lb.  Aye aye aye.

I have an induction tentatively scheduled for 4/18 (if it comes to that) due to the GD.  The doctor doesn't want me to go much past 40 weeks although he also doesn't want to induce me either.  I am hoping that baby decides to come on his own before then.

I am feeling really ready to meet this guy.  Last night was my worst night of sleep yet.  I slept maybe a total of 5 hours total and woke up every hour, on the hour.  My hips and shoulders were killing me.  Plus, I get so hot at night now and sweat.  Totally gross!  My legs/ankles/feet are really swollen, which is surprising given my bp from yesterday was 112/70.  I guess swelling at this point is just normal.

Yesterday I went for 3 walks.  I'll probably go for another walk today.  My husband and I tried having sex the other night to see if we could speed things up and that was just comical.  I laughed the whole time because it was so hard for me to maneuver.  I am not sure how people continue with an active sex life all 40 weeks of pregnancy.  During the first trimester I was too scared and felt sick.  During the second trimester I just felt unattractive and had zero sex-drive.  During this trimester, I have my sex-drive back, but I just feel huge and uncomfortable.  My husband has been a good sport though.  :)

I'll report back if anything changes.  Right now it is seeming like I'll go past my due date which is Friday.  I'll keep you posted!

One a completely unrelated note, I saw this on NBC Nightly News on Sunday and thought I would share it.  It was such a nice story and I cried (of course).  I thought you ladies might appreciate it if you have not seen it.  I want to give this woman the biggest hug.  She definitely gives me inspiration for a career switch in my future.

Friday, April 5, 2013


I should be used to this by now, right?  I have done a lot of waiting over the past 2 years.  Waiting to get pregnant.  Waiting to get an ultrasound.  Waiting to miscarry.  Waiting to TTC again.  Waiting to ovulate.  Waiting to test.  Waiting to get blood tests.  Waiting to see a RE.  Waiting to start treatment.  Waiting for more test results.  Waiting for more blood tests and ultrasounds.  Waiting for follow-up ultrasounds.  Waiting for NT scan.  Waiting for anatomy scan.  Waiting for viability weeks.  Waiting for 30 weeks.  Waiting to be full term...  The list goes on and on.  I know that some people have to wait a lot longer than this for everything, and I give them all the more credit.  Waiting is tough.

Right now I am waiting to have this baby.  I am 39 weeks.  After my appointment on Monday, I kind of convinced myself that I would get to meet this little guy this week.  Well, it is looking like that is not going to happen.  He seems rather content to stay in there for who knows how long.  I have tried walking.  I am drinking red raspberry tea right now.  Everyone is telling me to try sex, but honestly that doesn't sound like a whole heap of fun right now given my circumference.  I am not sure how logistically it would work.  I might get desperate and give it a try this weekend.  My poor husband!

The doctor wants me to monitor for consistent movement and that is driving me crazy.  I am sort of obsessed with making sure he is moving enough.  He'll be really active at certain times and then quiet at other times and I honestly want to break out the Doppler.  Usually if I give him a little push, he'll kick me back.  It will be nice when I can see him and see that he is alive rather than relying on his kicks.  He seems to sleep when I sleep for the most part.  He is very active mid-morning and after dinner, sometimes to the point where his jabs cause me some pain.  I am wondering if this is how he will be out of the womb, too (minus the causing me pain part, haha)?

I am having trouble getting around.  My stomach is stretched to the max.  I actually have several stretch marks on my belly right now, which I really thought I was going to be able to avoid due to the fact that my mom never got any and the fact that I have gone through hundreds of dollars worth of in the past few months.  No dice!  M.ederma here I come.

I am pretty uncomfortable right now, but I guess it isn't as bad as I thought it would be so I really can't complain.  While I have not been sleeping for long stretches, I don't have any trouble falling asleep.  Even when I get up 5 times a night, I am always able to change positions and fall back to sleep with no issue.  I also don't have any problem napping at any time.  I know, I know I should nap as much as possible now because I won't be sleeping for several months.

I am also pretty done with the diabetes.  I am seriously hoping that my body decides to go back to normal after I give birth.  I can't imagine managing a baby, breastfeeding, and managing diabetes.  I know people do it all the time, but ugh.  Not a happy thought.  My numbers have been pretty kick ass though.  My fastings have been in the 70s/80s consistently (granted I am still on 12 units of NPH at night).  I can honestly say that I am sick of yogurt, string cheese, and peanut butter, though.

My next appointment is Monday.  I have a BPP and growth scan (I think).  I am thinking of asking to have my membranes stripped (thanks, Melis :-).  I am not sure that would help me, but it is worth a try, right?

To pass some time, I taught myself to crochet by watching Y.ouT.ube videos.  I made this little guy a hat to wear home from the hospital.  I will admit that it took me 3 days of starting and ripping out stitches to get it the correct size.  The first one I made ended up fitting me.  Haha.

Can't wait to put this on his little head!

Monday, April 1, 2013

3 cm!

No this is not an April Fools joke.  I had my regular weekly appointment today and was not expecting anything.  I have not been having regular contractions, so I was expecting no real progress.  I had my BPP first and the baby was very active as usual and got an 8/8.  Fluid is still high-normal.

The appointment was pretty fast.  They checked my weight...ummm yikes.  I am up 35 lbs.  Not sure where the heck this weight is coming from since I am not eating a whole lot and I am not swollen or retaining water.  Oh well.  My blood pressure was good.

The doctor came in and reviewed my blood sugars for the past week which have been good and stable.  He reviewed the BPP results and was very happy.  He asked about contractions/bleeding.  I told him I wasn't having any painful contractions and no bleeding.  BH off and on with some mild cramping, but nothing to write home about.  I did loose (what I think) was my mucus plug on Saturday in one huge clump (sorry, TMI).  I asked him to check my cervix and he said he would, but warned me that with my "symptoms" that I shouldn't expect a whole lot.  I agreed.

Well sure enough, I was about 3 cm and 50% effaced.  He felt the head which he said was very low.  He couldn't tell which direction his face is pointing though (up or down).  He thinks I could really go into labor at any time, but said he guessed that we would meet this guy by the end of the week.  Ahhhhh!  

Now I am feeling a really intense desire to clean my house.  I am supposed to be working, but it is so hard to concentrate right now.  I also have been slacking on commenting on other's blogs.  I have been reading on my ipad, but haven't been commenting.  I am still following you all!!

I'll try to update as I can, but I have no clue what this week will hold.  Maybe I'll walk around 3 cm for 2 weeks, who knows.  Maybe this guy will show up tonight.  I can't wait to meet him!!

Oh and for all of the gluten-free ladies out there (or gestational diabetics) I made this awesome chocolate chip cookie recipe over the weekend.  I had a few yesterday and they did not affect my blood suger like a normal cookie.  I thought I would share as they are freaking AMAZING!  I would take these over the regular kind any day.  Enjoy!!