
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

I want a do over (%&$# this %&$#*@! day)


Yeah, this happened...right in my crotch, first thing in the morning.  I was sitting at my desk trying to get caught up after having to spend 2 days at home caring for my sick family and this happens.  F*cking stupid f*cking lid popped off and I spilled an entire Starbucks Venti half-calf right in my lap.  Seriously, I felt the hot coffee just sink right between my legs.  WTF?!?!  

Now I wreak of coffee, my skirt, shirt, tights and underwear are soaking wet with black coffee.  I have to walk around like this for the rest of the day, and of course I have several meetings to go to.  My co-workers will get to smell the lovely essence of rank coffee instead of Burberry, The Beat.  I am not sure whether I should cry or laugh.  I am torn between lying and telling everyone that I contracted the Norovirus, puked my coffee all over my desk, and need to go home.

I did what any sensible, sleep-deprived, over-worked, underpaid, mommy to a newly mobile 9 month old would do...

History repeating?  I hope not.

I took my coffee soaked, tear streaked, steaming mad self out in single digit weather and got another.  Have a lovely day folks.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The dreaded Norovirus has struck my house

While my husband, the baby and I were out doing our weekly grocery shopping on Sunday morning, my husband told me he felt like he had a hangover.  It would have made perfect sense had he been out drinking the night before, but he (and I) has (have) been stone cold sober for the month of January.  He was complaining of a headache and nausea.  I asked him if he wanted to leave the store that we were in and he said no.  He seemed ok for the rest of the outing, but wasn't his usual go-get-em self.

When we got home, and put B down for a nap, I started doing my usual Sunday afternoon routine of baking, cooking, and cleaning.  My husband sat on the couch, turned on golf, and then promptly fell asleep.  Of course, I had to take a picture of him and send it to my friends because, let's face it, most mommies would never have the time to sit on the couch and nap on a Sunday afternoon.

Later that evening, I asked him how he was doing and he said he felt better.  "Phew", I thought to myself.  I would hate for him to have that horrid Norwalk virus that seems to be circulating around the office, gym, etc.  The "Phew" turned into, "Oh shit," when we sat down to dinner and I was finished with my bowl of delish paleo chili before he had taken 3 bites.  I asked him if he didn't like it and he told me his stomach was bothering him.  Uh oh.  Not something I was wanting to hear.

I went to bed early, as I usually try to do since I am up 2-3 times a night.  I fell asleep and at 11 PM, was jarred out of a deep sleep by the sound of my husband heaving his dinner into the toilet.  I went down and found him hunched over the toilet, barely responsive to my questions regarding his current well-being.  I let him be, since I know how I want to be treated when I am throwing up...left alone.  I went back up and fell asleep.

B woke me up around 12:30 AM for a midnight snack and my husband was still throwing up.  Not sure if it was sympathy sickness, but I started to feel queasy.  Something about everything that surrounds throw-up makes me want to throw-up.  Gross.

Around 4 AM, he came up and got into bed.  I had already sent an email to my boss telling her that I was going to be out of the office the following day.  One- I needed to take care of the ill, two- I needed to be prepared if B caught it, and three- I'd rather not throw up on the train if I was getting sick.

The next day was a whirlwind of grocery shopping, cleaning, disinfecting, and more cleaning.  I spent about $100 on Clorox and Pinesol products and disinfected both bathrooms, the kitchen, and the living room/dining rooms.  I switched out all of the tooth brushes and washed all of the linens.  I then made my husband some almost paleo chicken soup with rice (I know, not paleo, but at least it was gluten free).  He ate about 2 bites of it along with some of the best tasting cantaloupe I have ever tried and about 2 gallons of coconut water.

Be jealous 

He stayed in our room all day and all night., alternating between sleeping and reading. He must have slept 30 hours between Sunday and today.   He hadn't thrown up or had diarrhea since Sunday night, but he said he still had a headache, a slight fever, and terrible body aches (probably complicated by the fact that he had done a CrossFit competition on Saturday).  Ugh how long does this thing last?!

Last night I slept on the floor in B's room.  While it was rather uncomfortable sleeping on a wood floor with no air mattress (I am afraid to get it out of the attic due to a bat sighting up there the previous week), it was convenient to get to B three times last night.  Growth spurt?  Perfect timing!!

This morning I made my husband some scrambled eggs, heated peaches, and a slice of paleo banana bread along with some lemon/ginger tea.  Yes, he is still dead stuck on this Paleo Challenge, even on his death-bed.  He was very appreciative, which was nice, considering this morning I had to take the trash/recycle out and the back gate was frozen shut so I had to remove all of the bags from the trash, throw them over the fence, throw the trash can over the fence (had to drop it on my foot, first), then put the trash back in, all while swearing and in my pajamas in 10 degree weather.  Single mommies, you have my sympathy!

I am sincerely hoping that my son and I don't get this terrible virus.  Not only would I be so worried about B getting dehydrated and ending up in the ER, but I would be worried about me getting dehydrated while trying to breastfeed and also ending up in the ER.  Praying none of these two things happen.  Hand washing like crazy and you should, too.  Stay healthy my friends!!!  

Friday, January 24, 2014

So apparently running (amongst other things) is going to kill me

Two days ago, my husband and I were getting ready to turn in for the night when he decided that it would be a good idea to tell me how running is bad for me and will lead to my eventual death.  Ok maybe he didn't actually say that it would kill me, but he definitely alluded to the fact that I should let up on the distance type of cardiovascular activity or submit to the fact that I will die of some type of running induced heart malady (hint, hint, more CrossFit?).

How did this start?  My husband is big into listening to Paleo specific podcasts while he is in his car and it just so happened that the one that he was listening to was listing out the many reasons why cardio, distance running in particular, is bad for you.  I haven't researched the specifics of the podcast or the "studies" that were referred to, but I have since G.oogled "is running bad for you" and "chronic cardio" and I have come up with a plethora of articles preaching gospel on how endurance running is evil and HIIT (high intensity interval training) is where it is at.

Wow.  Where have I been?  Apparently I had tunnel vision and was only concerned with my reproductive health for several years so I missed the memo on how bad running is for you.  So I guess getting back to my pre-baby weight, regulating my blood sugar, and normalizing my thyroid function, and preventing PPD due to running was just a coincidence?

Rather than be angry with my husband for trying to convince me (yet again) why CrossFit is the best of the best in terms of workout regimes, I started to get depressed.  Another thing that I have done or liked to do that I need to cross off my list because someone did a study and concluded that it is bad for me.  Add it to the list of things I shouldn't do, shouldn't eat, or shouldn't use along with:

  • Conventionally grown fruits & veggies
  • GMO fruits & veggies, which are unfortunately not marked
  • Meat of unknown origin (i.e. grocery store meat)
  • Farmed fish
  • Drug store cosmetics
  • Anything made in China
  • Fleece (lovely co-worker...)
  • Perfumes
  • Nail polish
  • Johnson & Johnson products
  • Dairy
  • Soy
  • Corn
  • Wheat/Gluten
  • Aluminum foil
  • Cell phones
  • Trans fats
  • The elliptical machine
  • Non-green furniture (lovely co-worker tells me this)
  • Formula
  • Canned food
  • Phthalates, Sulfates, Parabens
  • Tampax, Playtex, or other regular tampons
  • Microwave
  • High fructose corn syrup
  • Tupperware
  • Caramel coloring
  • Yankee Candles
  • Non-organic decaf coffee
  • Anything with lavender
  • The baby jumper or the Exersaucer (also, from the lovely co-worker)
  • Sitting at work
  • Purel
  • Antibacterial soap
  • Toothpaste with triclosan
  • I could keep going but I think you catch my drift here...

It is getting really exhausting to live like this.  Just when I turn around and that that I have all my bases covered, with regards to keeping my family and me safe from the dangerous world that we live in, a new study comes out that "proves" that something else that you use every day and have used every day for your entire life is going to cause you to get cancer, Alzheimers, or some other type of incurable terminal illness.  I think one part that they leave out of all of these findings is what type of damage all of these studies can do to a person's mental health when they go crazy trying to cut all of the bad products out and stick with only what has been determined to be "safe" today.

Am I going to quit running?  No.  Am I going to give up my dream of running in the NYC Marathon this fall?  No.  Am I going to continue trying to cut out all of the potentially disease causing products out?  Ok, maybe, but within reason.  At some point I (along with others) need to realize that it is most certain that something, eventually, but hopefully many many years away will kill us.  It may be the accumulation of chemicals in your body causing cancer or it may be that you get hit by a bus.  We just don't know.  If we spend all of our free time trying to cut everything out then we are not going to be able to spend any time enjoying life, because friends, unless you know something that I don't, we only get one.

Here is my takeaway...  I am going to eat healthy when I can, but enjoy a treat once in a while (after this damn Paleo Challenge is over!).  I am going to use natural products that cause less stress to the environment, but still use my Givenchy Very Irresistible because I love the way that it smells.  I am not going to keep my son in a bubble, because eventually he is going to grow up and need to make his own choices, but I'll offer him healthy suggestions and hope that he takes some of them.  I'll exercise how I want because it makes me feel good, helps keep me sane, and I'd rather die a happy girl than a miserable one.  :)

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

9 months (and still going strong on the Paleo Challenge)

Wow.  How is it possible that I now the parent to a 9 month old?  Where did the time go?  Yesterday we went to the doctor for his 9 month appointment.  He is now 29 inches and 21 pounds/13 ounces.  He is growing right along the 75th percentile curve, which the doctor was very happy with (especially since he is still mostly breastfed).  I'll give you his stats and then I'll tell you what the doctor said regarding those stats.

Can sit on his own.
Can go from his back or stomach to a sitting position.
Can pull himself to stand on his own (in his crib or on the ottoman).
Can army crawl backwards.
Can crawl forward one or two times (then gives up and sits).
Likes to use his thumb and first finger to make pinchers to pick up the tiniest things off of the floor.

Waves bye-bye when you wave to him.
Reaches for you when you ask if he wants "up".
Turns to look when you say "where is daddy" or "where is the dog/cat".

Says "dada" on occasion.
Babbles when he is by himself (in his crib before he goes to sleep or when he gets up).
Screams/grunts/cries when he wants you to pay attention to him.

Still breastfeeding or taking bottles of breast-milk every 3 1/2 -4 hours.
Wakes up at least once a night to breastfeed.
Loves pureed baby food including all veggies and fruits.
Gums baby teething biscuits.
Gags and throws up when eating anything that is semi-solid (bananas, avocado, egg yolks).

Takes 1-2 naps a day ranging from 45 min to 2.5 hours.  Totally variable!
Has slept up to 9 hours straight, but averages about 6 hours straight.
Goes to sleep around 6:30 PM, usually.
Wakes up around 7 AM, usually.

Goes to music class once a week at his pre-school that he will start attending in the summer.
Takes swimming lessons once a week and love it!
Has occasional play-dates with my friend's children, although not enough of them!
Loves reading books before bed.
Loves playing with his toys.
Loves playing peekabo

So I am not sure if this is the picture of a "normal" 9 month old or not.  The doctor told me that she would like to see more in the way of verbal skills by this point although she was ok with the non-verbal.  She told me that if he didn't make a ton of progress by 12 months that she would refer him to early intervention.  I hope that he makes progress in the next 3 months, which seems like a long time to wait if there is an issue, but I guess that is just how things work.  She also told me to start pushing more real food and to continue giving him water in a sippy (which he just pours out all over himself).

I am trying to keep to the assumption that all babies develop at different rates.  What is "normal" for one baby might not be "normal" for another.  It is tough because we live in a society where everyone compares everything to something else.  I guess I'll jut wait it out like they say.  Anyone else have any experience with "delays" such as this in a 9 month old?    

As for the Paleo Challenge, I am still going strong with the diet, although I could really use a chocolate chip cookie and a glass of red wine.  Those cravings have NOT gone away as it was suggested that they would.  I am keeping up with the 2-3 days a week of CrossFit and 3-4 days a week of running, too.  I have also forgotten to pay my car payment, forgotten to pay the electric bill, and screwed up the electronic payment for the mortgage so that they assessed me a late fee and refused to take it off even though I made the payment on time, but the account somehow didn't get set up correctly.  Aye.

One really great thing that happened though, was that I "won" my first race, for the females and got 4th overall!  It was a small race, but still a great ego booster.  I am getting closer to breaking 20 minutes in the 5k!!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Still keeping up with the Paleo Challenge (just not updating my blog...oops)

So you may think that since I have not posted in almost a week, that I have fallen off the Paleo Challenge wagon.  Quite the opposite, in fact.  I am still going strong and have not slipped up once.  Rather than go through each of the last days that I missed, individually, I will give you some of the highlights.

I have noticed a few things since being on this pretty restrictive version of the paleo diet (i.e. no honey, dried fruits, maple syrup, etc.) which have included:

  • Being more thirsty even though I am drinking a ton more water than usual.
  • Being unusually exhausted in the evenings to the point where I have been falling asleep sitting up.
  • Sleeping very deeply (when I actually get to sleep).
  • Waking up feeling rested even after broken sleep.
  • Less general bloat.
  • Still craving carbs...namely cereal and crispy/salty items.
  • Craving a glass of red wine after dinner.
  • Being much less agitated than I was during the first week of this challenge.
  • Drinking way more caffeinated coffee than I have since long before I became pregnant and not having it affect me.
  • No longer feel like I am developing low blood sugar if I wait too long between meals (i.e. no carbo crash between breakfast and lunch).
  • I am spending waaaaaaaaaay more money on food than I ever have in my life.  Our grocery bills have gone up by at least $150 a week to include all organic/grass-fed meats and as much organic produce as possible.
  • After a serious tanking in my breast milk supply, I can say with almost complete certainty that it is back to where it was before.  YAY!  This may have to do with the resolution of masitits (and finishing the antibiotics) or with the fact that my body has adjusted to the new diet.  This morning, I pumped 8 ounces!
  • We made this meal last night, Beef and Broccoli Stir-Fry over Brussels Sprouts (except with chicken) and it was awesome!  I loooove Brussels Sprouts so why not put more veggies and some lean protein on top and call it a meal?! 

I have introduced a new, and very satisfying snack in unsweetened coconut flakes with macadamia nuts for my mid-morning snack.  It has been keeping me going until lunch.  I also found a paleo approved version of plantain chips, made by Trader Joes, that I can use to satisfy some of my salty carb craving.  The lady at the checkout counter made this comment, "Wow somebody really loves plantain chips, huh?".  Yeah, that's now many bags of them I bought last week.

With regards to working out, I have been doing so about 5-6 days a week.  I try to run one day, then take a CrossFit class, then run, then CrossFit, etc.  It is hard for me to know which type of activity I should sacrifice for a rest day, which is why I sometimes run and do CrossFit on the same day so that I don't feel guilty for missing one or the other.  

I finally had my annual GYN exam on Tuesday and, except for the PAP results that are not in yet, the doc thinks that I look great.  I am holding steady at 115 lbs (down from 123 lbs at my visit in August).  He asked me about the birth control that I stopped taking and instead of getting a lecture on why I should be taking it, he was quite content to let me continue using condoms if that's what I wanted to do.  He asked when/if I wanted to get pregnant again and I was honest with him and told him potentially within the next year, but I am not sure yet.  I also told him I would go for a planned c-section over a VBAC due to my terrible labor and delivery experiences with B.  Still pondering the whole second baby thing but that is a whole separate post...

On a completely unrelated note, please keep my sister in your prayers.  Her GYN found a lump in her breast for which she will need a biopsy for next week.  She is only 30.  They also found some suspicious looking cells on her cervix after her PAP so that will also require follow-up.  I am praying that everything checks out ok.  She is getting married in May and I don't want this to wreck a time in her life that should be so exciting and fun.  She is holding it together really well right now.  I am amazed at her positive attitude!!      

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Paleo Challenge Day #8

Wednesday, 1/8/14...

Paleo pumpkin pancakes, turkey sausage, blueberries/blackberries

Mixed dry roasted nuts, snow peas & baby carrots

Kale and spinach salad with roasted peppers, celery, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers and grilled chicken

2 clementines, Steve's buffalo chicken jerky

Sunflower seeds, pistachios

Stir fried beef with broccoli and cauliflower rice (from a paleo catering company)

Paleo apple/pear crisp (sugar-detox)


I took the day off from CrossFit today and instead ran 4 miles on the treadmill.  It is tough to schedule days of complete rest while doing CrossFit and running.  I feel like if I miss CrossFit, I am wasting money and if I miss a day of running I will lose my cardiovascular shape.  Ugh.

Saw the funny article in US News and Reports about the Paleo Diet being the worst diet.  Ummm they really think that Slimfast is a better idea?  For real?  Do you know what is in that crap (see below)?  I agree that if you are trying to use it to "diet" in the American sense, then yes, it is a very difficult transition to make.  Cutting out processed carbs cold turkey is pretty terrible.  Almost as bad a cutting a caffeine addiction.  It is also rather expensive and generally takes more time to prepare than a "normal" diet.  If you are using Paleo as a lifestyle instead of a quick fix diet solution then I think it is a great alternative to the crappy American processed food diet.  I will write up a better post on this later on (hopefully if I have time this weekend!), but I felt that I had to mention this incredibly ignorant article.

B was a complete train wreck last night!  He woke up a bunch of times and then had trouble going back to sleep.  I really think his 8th tooth is going to be poking through very soon as his cheeks are very rosy, he is drooling up a storm, and is biting on ANYTHING that he can get his mouth near (including my shoulder).



Paleo Challenge Day #7

Tuesday, 1/7/14...

Paleo pumpkin pancakes, turkey sausage, blueberries/blackberries

Mixed dry roasted nuts, apple sauce

Leftover veggie and turkey chili

Steve’s grass-fed beef jerky, snow peas & baby carrots

2 clementines

Salmon with sautéed spinach and parsnip puree (from a paleo catering company)

Paleo banana bread (sugar-detox)

Went to Crossfit after work and did "Annie" plus a 1000 meter row.  Annie is 50-40-30-20-10 of double-unders and sit-ups.  So basically you do 50 double-unders then 50 sit-ups and work your way down the ladder until you are finished.  I had to seriously scale this workout because I  can't yet do more than 1 or 2 double-unders at a time and because of diastasis recti, I can't do sit-ups.  I did 100-80-60-40-20 of regular jump roaps and 50-40-30-20-10 of plank knees to elbows.  Despite the scaling, the workout still kicked me @$$.  I did NOT run after putting B to bed, but instead put my feet up and watched my DVRed Bachelor episode.  Man do I love that show!  What a train wreck already!

I am starting to feel much better on the paleo diet and don't feel as agitated and hungry as I did the first few days.  Yesterday my milk production was the lowest ever at just 12 oz while I was at work (3 sessions).  Today it was back up to 15.5, which is the lower end of normal for me.  I think a combination of the diet change and the mastitis may have lowered my supply temporarily.  B also has started taking 2 hour naps at mid-day and a shorter cat-nap in the afternoon.  This is producing an overall happier baby.  Yay B!!

Paleo Challenge Day #6

Still catching up!!

Monday, 1/6/14...

Paleo pumpkin pancakes with turkey sausage, leftover apple/pear crisp, blackberries and blueberries

Mixed dry roasted nuts

Leftover carrots, butternut squash, parsnips and onions with steamed green beans and grilled chicken

orange, raw snow peas, 2 Steve’s grassfed spinach paleo sticks

Sunflower seeds, 2 pickles

Veggie and turkey chili (This is my special creation!  I will post a recipe soon)

Paleo banana bread (sugar-detox)

Looks just like the real thing, but tastes better!

Went to Crossfit and did "Fran", which consisted of 21-15-9: thrusters and pull-ups.  I was proud of myself that, despite being scared to death, I did the thusters with 30 lbs instead of 25.  The 5 lbs doesn't seem like a ton of extra weight, I know, but when you are "sprinting" to do 21 in a row, it gets really heavy, really quick.  I used the green band for the pull-ups (which is easier than purple) instead of purple because I knew we had to do 21 in a row.  It was a good choice.  That was a killer!

As if that wasn't punishment enough, after I put the baby to bed when I got home, I ran 3 miles on the treadmill.  I feel like I am in such a great place with running right now that I don't want to stop the momentum.  The beginning of the run was not fun and very slow, but towards the end, I ramped up the pace and finished strong.  Thank you Spotify for supplying me with a great 90s playlist!

My boob feels back to normal, however the bleb (milk blister) is still there and it still hurts.  I am wondering when this will go away.  I feel like I have had it forever!  B did something cool and started waving back when waved to.  It was crazy that he just did it one time when my husband was waving to him.  He is growing up so fast!  Work is a crazy storm right now.  I am in the process of training an entire staff on a new system that I helped to build and test.  Needless to say, I don't have very much time to do anything other than work, parent, eat, and exercise.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Sunday, 1/5/14...

Paleo pumpkin pancakes with chicken sausage, blackberries and blueberries


Turkey burger, roasted red pepper, cucumber, leftover cauliflower rice


Sunflower seeds and a pickle

Roasted chicken with carrots, butternut squash, parsnips and onions with steamed green beans

Paleo banana bread (sugar-detox, I will also get the recipe for this!)

None, other than running errands all day and cleaning my house.  I was trying to "rest" as per the doctor's orders, but I don't think that mommies ever really get any rest!

The lump finally seems like it is going away.  I feel sluggish though.  I also feel very hungry and irritable all the time.  I am not sure if this is because of the diet or the mastitis.  I also had a wicked case of heartburn for most of mid-day.  I tried to take a nap while B was napping, but that lasted a whole 20 minutes before he woke up.  UGH!

PALEO CHALLENGE DAY #4 and mastitis

Saturday, 1/4/14...

Egg white frittata with tomatoes, onions, peppers, sweet potatoes.

Handful almonds/macadamia nuts, unsweetened applesauce

Salad w/ grilled chx, peppers/onions, romaine lettuce, pico de gallo, guacamole

Strawberries & kiwi

homemade baked sweet potato chips with guacamole

Baked salmon with lime scented cauliflower “rice”, and sautéed broccoli with ginger and garlic

Paleo apple/pear crisp (sugar-detox, I will get the recipe and add it as it was awesome!)

None, other than taking B to his first swimming lesson and walking around the pool with him in my arms.  He loved it!

Mastitis.  :(  I ended up in the urgent care clinic because the lump in my right breast was so swollen and painful and no amount of massaging, hot compress, or hot shower seemed to help.  I felt like crap for the rest of the day, but we had my SIL, BIL, and MIL over for dinner that night.  Dinner was great though and we had a pretty low key evening just talking.  Man I miss wine when I see other people drinking it.  How did I go 9 months without and not even care?!

Paleo Challenge Day #3

I was supposed to be writing every day for this challenge and I only made it two days.  Sometimes life interferes, I guess.  Now you are all going to get post spammed by me.  :-)

This was from Friday, 1/3/14...

Paleo pumpkin pancakes (did not add the maple syrup and instead added more almond milk and more spices...A MUST TRY, AMAZING!!!)
Frozen and heated mixed berries

Steve's Grass-fed spinach & beef sticks (also a great find)

Egg white frittata with tomatoes, onions, peppers, sweet potatoes.

Homemade baked sweet potato chips with salt/pepper 

1/2 cup unsweetened apple sauce

Spaghetti squash bolognese

TBSP almond butter w/ apple

I did a really crazy CrossFit workout which consisted of 30 burpees in 2 minutes.  Since I completed 30 in 2 minutes I had another 2 minutes to do 30 more burpees.  If I would have gotten that 30 burpees into that second 2 minutes then I would have had 2 more minutes to get in 30 burpees.  Now you probably get it.  I only got through 55 total so I missed getting another 30 burpees by 5 burpees.  Try it sometime if you are bored.  It is way tougher than it sounds.  You have to make sure your chest hits the ground fully, and then you have to jump and clap.

The clogged duct came back and this time with a crazy vengeance.  I was up every few hours that night trying to get the painful, hard, and hot lump out of my right boob.  No success, unfortunately.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Paleo Challenge Day #2

I found a few things out about this Paleo Challenge that I am not especially happy with, but as my husband keeps telling me..."This is for fun".  Apparently the only exercise that counts in this challenge is a CrossFit WOD (workout of the day).  So basically, none of my running counts.  I could sit on the couch and for this contest, it would be scored the same way as not doing a WOD.  Zero points.  For my blog, though, I am counting it as exercise!!

I should probably also let you know about the scoring since you might be confused at what I am talking about here.  This challenge is not without a winner.  The winner gets money, too.

Paleo Challenge RULES
Every day you get a score based on how you follow the Paleo lifestyle.  The winner gets a cut of the money.  There are also a few other prizes for weight/measurement loss and WOD performance gains.

Four Points:  You are a hunter-gatherer.  You eat nothing but meat, veggies, some fruit, nuts and seeds.

Three Points: One time during the day, you had a little something that wasn’t paleo, but wasn’t horrible.  Ex:  Dried fruit, most condiments (bbq, soy sauce, ketchup, mayo, salad dressing), peanuts, hummus, cream in coffee, etc…

Two Points:  You slipped…but didn’t get hurt.  You had a small amount of “not real food”.  Maybe it was a fully paleo day, but you couldn’t resist having a beer at the family BBQ, or you finished your kids’ mac ‘n cheese, but the rest of your day was solid.  Ex:  1 beer/glass of wine, dinner rolls, a handful of fries/chips, rice, etc…

One Point:  Most of your day was paleo, but there was one full meal that you fell off the wagon.  Ex:  Pasta, pizza, more than one soda/juice/alcohol, bag of popcorn, etc…

Zero Points:  You had a bad day and made more than one solid mistake.  Ex:  You had a couple slices of pizza and beer.

1.  You get one extra bonus point for every day you participate in a WOD (at any affiliate).
2.  You can get an additional bonus point for every night you sleep more than eight hours.
3.  You get one extra bonus point for every day that you take fish oil.

Pretty safe to say that I will always get at least 3 points a day.  Haha.  Ok so now on to my day #2...

1 cup heated frozen peaches
2 slices egg white frittata (from "Against All Grain" cookbook with: tomatoes, shredded sweet potato, onion, peppers, ground 93% lean ground turkey)

Small cup almonds, macadamias

Kale & spinach salad (with: 4oz grilled chicken, peppers, carrots, cucumbers, celery, olives, lemon juice/olive oil)

Homemade plantain chips (fried in organic coconut oil)

1/2 cup unsweetened apple sauce

Center cup pork chop with roasted cauliflower (garlic/lemon/EVOO) and sautéed kale (red onion, chx broth)

TBSP almond butter

Yesterday I did the WOD, but scaled since I am still new to CrossFit.  It was "Barbara", which when done full scale, includes 20 pull-ups, 30 push-ups, 40 sit-ups, 50 air squats...TIMES 5.  So basically, the whole workout need to be done 5 times in a row with a mandatory 3 minute rest after each round.  I did half of the workout, which was still really hard.  10 pull-ups, 15 push-ups, 20 sit-ups, 25 air squats...TIMES 5.  I used the purple band (which was much harder than the purple and green bands together that I used the first time I did pull-ups).  I also modified the push-ups to be on my knees, which is till very hard.  I also had to modify the sit-ups due to my ab separation so I did plank knees to elbows.  I was dizzy when I was done, but I am proud that I did that.  CrossFit is a total ass-kicker.

For the most part I felt good, physically, yesterday.  No afternoon bloating, which is great.  I didn't get 8 hours of sleep the previously night though.  Maybe 6 total, broken, hours?  I also think my supply might be going down.  I pumped a record low 12.5 oz in 3 pumping sessions yesterday.  My right, which has been the producer, has slowed production since my plugged duct and now the left is producing more, but not as much as the right used to produce.  So weird.

We had to weigh in before the WOD yesterday and I was only 115 lbs with sneakers on.  Wow, I can't remember the last time that I was 115 (maybe right at the start of my pregnancy with B when I couldn't eat anything?).  I am wondering if this is why my supply is down.  I am going to try to eat more today.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Paleo Challenge Day #1

So apparently my husband and I got it wrong and the challenge starts today and not yesterday.  We decided that we would keep the start as yesterday though because we are just that dedicated.  Haha.  Not really.  The day was half over when we figured out that it started today and we had already thrown out our leftover pizza from the night before.  :-)

I am going to split these posts up into sections: Food, Exercise, Life.  If you aren't interested in the food aspect of this then please skip to the end.  I hope you all had a very nice New Year's holiday!

1 cup heated frozen peaches (try it on a cold morning, so YUM!)
1 slice egg white frittata (from "Against All Grain" cookbook with: tomatoes, shredded sweet potato, onion, peppers, ground 93% lean ground turkey)
Black coffee

1 banana

Kale & spinach salad (with: 4oz grilled chicken, peppers, carrots, cucumbers, celery, olives, lemon juice/olive oil)

Apple with Almond Butter

Small cup almonds, macadamias, and cashews
3/4 cup sugar snap peas

Sea scallops sauteed in olive oil/chx broth (with bacon and Brussels sprouts)

Homemade plantain chips (fried in organic coconut oil)

Yesterday was a huge first for me!!  I ran a 4 mile new years day race and I ended up getting 3rd place overall woman!!  My pace was the fastest that it has ever been in my life (6:37 minutes per mile).  I really felt strong through most of the race until it came to the last 1/2 mile.  I kind of ran out of gas, but I still finished better than I ever thought I could.  I am so excited to do more races this year!!!

After my race yesterday, I was super productive and took down all of the Christmas decorations and organized all of the new toys.  I vacuumed and dusted.  I folded laundry and did the dishes.  What is it about 1/1 that makes people so productive?!

I was totally craving carbs after my race, especially after seeing all of the granola bars and bagels on the snack table afterwards.  I restrained myself and had a banana.  This is going to be harder than I thought because I am used to having some natural sugars.  This cold turkey thing is rough.

In (in)fertility news, I stopped taking the stupid mini pill.  I was forgetting at least 3 times a week and the amount of sex that is happening lately isn't making me too worried that I'll end up with an oops baby (if that would even be possible for me).  I have no interest in having a baby at this point in time.  I was thinking that the recommended 12-18 months between c-sections seemed like a lot, but now I am actually thinking that is a good idea.  I really want to run the NYC marathon this year so that means no pregnancies until at least November!  ;-)