
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Sick :(

I woke up in the middle of the night last night feeling incredibly nauseous.  I laid there in bed to see if it would pass, but unfortunately it did not.  I ended up throwing up for about 4 hours.  I woke up my poor husband who brought me ice and water, even though I couldn't get anything down.  Throwing up is ONLY appreciated when you are pregnant (this coming from someone who be so lucky to have morning sickness).

I watched 3 episodes of Love It or List It on HGTV and had to keep getting up.  I was so tired I would fall asleep on the toilet.  Finally around 5 AM I fell asleep on the couch as it was getting light outside. I woke up at 5:30 and crawled back into bed.  I slept for a few more hours.

I woke a a little while ago with a bad headache, but no longer feeling nauseous.  Taking my temp was totally shot to hell.  When I took it this morning @ 9 it was almost 98 degrees.  I normally temp at 4:30 AM so I guess today is a wash.  I peed in a cup and dunked in the CB Digi for 15 seconds.  Big O.  Then just for kicks I dipped in a Wondfo.  The Wondo is nearly if not positive.  Ahhhh I don't know what stick to believe anymore.

1 comment:

  1. I am still puzzling over this along with you ... perhaps the 15 seconds is too long for the CB, and it gets oversaturated and thus the concentration is too low to be read, even if it's there? The instructions for the CBEFM say 15 seconds, too, but when I did it for that long, I found that the monitor didn't give a good result. Now I do it for 10.
