
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I have had so much to write about lately

...but I have had no time to put it on the blog screen.  Therapy, adventures at the hospital, more friends miscarrying, arguments with my husband out this unborn child (already), the list goes on.  Work has been consuming my life, especially with me cramming 5 days of work into 3, though, so no time to update now.  Oh and I leaving to visit my family tomorrow evening for the next several days so I am not sure that I am going to have a whole ton of time to write in the next few days.  I do have to bring my laptop for work, so I may write in the evenings.  Stay tuned.

Yesterday, I recognized National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day by lighting 3 candles.  One candle was lit for each of the babies that I lost.  I chose the candles in 3 sizes.  One for my oldest baby who passed at 8.5 weeks, one for my chemical baby, and one for the baby I lost at 6ish weeks.  My husband wasn't home at 7 PM so I lit them with my dog and 2 kitties present.  One of my cats was very interested in the lighting and sat right next to them.  Kind of cute I thought.  It felt so good to honor the little ones that I never got the chance to meet.  I know yesterday was hard for others who also remembered their lost babies.  It was so nice to see how many honored their babies in such lovely ways.

For each little one that was lost.


  1. Your candle-lighting is beautiful. :) I didn't do anything on Mon, but will take part in Belle's (at Scrambled Eggs) walk on Sat.

    Ugh, hate it when life gets in the way of blogging! Have a nice stay with your fam.

    1. Thank you! I lit them again last night when I got back from my trip. For some reason they seem to give me comfort.

  2. Sounds like is crazy for you right now but it's good that you got to slow down and light a candle for the little ones you lost.

  3. I'm sorry that life is so crazy right now, but I'm glad to know that you were able to take the time and light candles for your little ones. I hope life slows down soon.

    1. Thanks for stopping by. I, too, am hoping that things at work become a little less crazy over the next few weeks. The pregnancy can continue to go by at a decent clip though!

  4. I'm sorry for your losses. It sounds like your cat wanted to help you remember them too. I'm glad it felt good to honor them.

    1. Sometimes animals just know when you need a little extra love. :)

  5. Hi from ICLW :)

    That is such a special way to honor your angel babies. Congrats on your BFP! Here's some sticky baby dust for you :)

  6. Found you through ICLW. Hoping you have better days ahead.

  7. What a beautiful way to remember the babies you've lost. A nice way to stop and keep memory- even when life is as crazy as yours sounds to be!

    1. It is tough because our society doesn't memorialize babies that die in untero like they do with people who have actually taken a breath. Candles seemed to be a nice way to remember their short little lives.

  8. Such beautiful candles. I can completely relate to the frustrations you are experiencing right now, and I'm sorry to hear that you're dealing with it right now. Sending virtual hugs!! :)

    Here via ICLW & a new follower at that!


  9. hello from ICLW! Hope you are having/had a good time with family, and the candles are beautiful...

    1. Thanks! It was very nice to be around family. I miss them constantly!

  10. Your candle lighting is so representative and thoughtful (the different sizes for different stages in your pregnancy). I am so sorry that you've experienced so much loss. I hope you'll be able to hold your baby in your arms soon.

  11. Hi from ICLW! I just wanted to let you know that the candles are beautiful and thoughtful. I love that you chose a way to differentiate each of your angels.
