
Monday, March 4, 2013

To the blog spammers-

Take your stupid nonsensical comments, redirects, and phony links and shove them up your ass!  I am NEVER going to actually publish any of them and I am never going to click on any of the links to view your your stupid sites or potentially expose myself to malware or viruses.  You are wasting your useless time and you suck.  

For actual readers/friends/fellow bloggers-

Sorry for the rant, but I am so annoyed right now.  Not sure if it is just me, but I have seen a crazy rise in the amount of attempted spam posts and spam traffic lately.  Today has been the worst day yet.  I sincerely hate Captcha, but I am thinking that I am going to have to put it back on.  Some of my posts get so many spam comments in a day that I have disabled commenting completely because the notifications are clogging up my email inbox.

Anyone else having this issue??  Any ideas on how to get it to stop?


  1. Ugh, I am so sorry you are getting inundated with spam! :( I promise I am not a spammer.

  2. Ewww! That sucks. I get spam I think but Wordpress filters it out so I don't have to deal. I have no idea if I have captcha on my site? lol
