
Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Wonky post-baby cycles

Second (actual) post-baby cycle started today...48 days after the first one.  I feel like I am post-miscarriage again and have no idea when to expect anything with regards to my reproductive system.  Yes, I know that I am not really tracking my cycles because I am not trying to get pregnant or anything.  I am not temping and I am barely even tracking CM.  Some people just like to know what is going on with their body and like seeing it out an paper.  I am one of those people.

I am thinking that if I ovulated this past cycle, it was probably around day 34, even though I didn't take an ovulation test.  I think that my body might have been gearing up to ovulate around day 20/21 (neg OPK around that time), but I just couldn't get there for some reason (well, probably because I am still breastfeeding/pumping 3 times a day).  I would love to start temping again, but the baby still wakes up at least once a night so it would be tough, at best.   

I had a feeling that my period was going to show as I laid in bed at 3 in the morning and COULD NOT go back to sleep.  For some reason, I seem to get insomnia right before I get my period.  It must have to do with the hormonal changes or something.  I also had terrible cramps this morning.  I feel like I am back in high school again.  I have no idea when I am going to get my period and when it starts there is no warning.  BANG.   

Anyways, I'd love to know if any other mommies experience(d) totally wacky and unpredictable cycles while breastfeeding or after giving birth, in general. 


  1. my AF returned not long after I had my daughter. it took about 6 months to establish a regular routine. If you are breastfeeding this can definitely still make it a bit wonky.

  2. I haven't gotten my period yet, and probably won't until I completely wean (as happened with my first daughter), BUT my sister has had exactly the same thing happen to her. She didn't get her period until her daughter was about 14 months, she's still breastfeeding and she's had 3 periods now and they've all been wonky when she used to be sooooo regular. I've heard it's really normal, though, so nothing to worry about.
