
Monday, November 12, 2012

I am 99% certain

...that the ultrasound today is going to tell us that we are having a boy.  I have been feeling boy since the very beginning.  With my last pregnancy, I was sure it was a girl, but I never got any confirmation from the test results of the D&C.  This time, I feel boy.

Now I have to try to "work" all day today before the appointment at 2:45 PM.  I am not really thinking about anything else other than that.  I am praying that this baby has all of the normal parts and measures normally.  I will be happy with a baby of either sex.  I am just praying for healthy!!

This past weekend we started getting rid of furniture (thank you for taking so much of it sis!!) and started organizing.  I went to the C.ontainer S.tore (had never been until this past weekend) and bought a new smaller desk, chair, and several desk organizers. We are moving the office into the spare bedroom to make room for a nursery.  Wow, can't believe I just said that.  Don't worry.  I am not painting or anything yet.  I have not bought one baby related item although I must say that I have been tempted.  Baby steps (no pun intended!).



  1. I second what Elizabeth said. Can't wait to hear!!!

    1. Seriously...I am having total concentration issues today at work!

  2. Oh forget about work, that's not going to happen today, haha. I will be anxiously waiting to hear how it all goes. All my love and luck with you today! Here's to a perfect baby!

    I love that store! Sounds like a very productive weekend.

    1. Seriously very little work getting done right now. Luckily it is Veterans Day and a ton of people are out of the office. Hopefully no one will notice. :)

  3. Can't wait to hear about the babe!

  4. Looking forward to hearing the news!
