
Thursday, November 8, 2012

This is becoming more real

In the past week, several co-workers have come up to me and asked me if I was expecting.  For some reason this always makes me feel uncomfortable.  I smile uncomfortably and say, yes.  Some people ask me more questions, "when are you due?", "are you finding out the sex?", "how do you feel?".  I am still having trouble talking about this pregnancy like it is actually going to result in a baby.  This week I have not told any one about our troubles, which is a big step.  I have kept conversations brief, but pleasant.  I am now showing to the point where I really can't hide it anymore.  Cat is out of the bag.  Well if you see me.

In the past 2-3 weeks I have started feeling some weird sensations in my lower abdomen.  I first felt them when I was away visiting my family.  They were just very slight taps.  I felt them one morning while I was lying in bed.  I convinced myself if was just gas from the fried chicken I had eaten the night before (don't judge, it is a specialty where I am from and not found near me now!).  I felt a few other odd sensations in the same area, like bubbles in the next few weeks, but again I thought it might just be my burgling belly.  Nothing regularly timed and nothing that really felt the same each time.  At my last OB appointment I asked where my placenta was located (thinking it might be in the front) and was told that it was in the back.  Optimal for feeling earlier movement.

This past Monday, I worked from home.  I felt kind of crampy in the morning.  Nothing majorly painful, just kind of uncomfortable.  Almost like a sore abdomen feeling.  Maybe round ligament pain??  Water usually helps me to relieve this type of discomfort so I chugged almost a liter of water in less than an hour.  I started to feel better as a result.

I was reclining on the couch and working with my laptop propped on a pillow when I started to feel unmistakable taps on my lower right side.  Then I would feel something on the left side.  All heck broke lose in there and I felt taps consistently for at least a 1/2 hour.  How incredible.  I have a baby in there and it is moving around.  Such an amazing feeling that I was never sure I would ever get to experience.  I couldn't help but smile.

Yesterday I had the same sore/crampy feelings, only slightly worse and I had to go in to work.  I started getting nervous and then G.oogling.  Not a good idea.  I drank more than a liter of water over the course of an hour and I started to feel better.  I also started feeling the baby moving all over.  This time I swear I could feel a somersault or something.  So odd, but very neat.  Today I feel some movement, but not as much as some of the previous days.  I can't wait until I can feel this little one regularly.

Feeling the baby and having others notice that I now have a bump has made me realize that I need to start acknowledging the baby in there.  If only for the sake of the baby.  Up until now I have been treating it like an "if" or a "maybe".

My anatomy scan is Monday afternoon.  I am excited to find out the sex, but also nervous to find out if the baby is developing normally.  I take some comfort in knowing that the NT/Quad results came back normal and that my last visit, where we did a quick look with the mini-ultrasound, went well.  Tomorrow I will be 18 weeks.  Crazy.  Time is going by fast, yet April still seems like an eternity away.       


  1. It is the most incredible feeling, isn't it? So glad you're getting to experience it! And fingers are crossed and prayers are being said for a successful anatomy scan showing both a healthy mama and a healthy baby. ~ hugs ~

  2. Yesssss! Step away from Google. That is a delightfully active youngin' who is getting an early start on kicking your ass. I am EXCITED.

  3. So exciting! Aren't those little taps and twinges amazing! I have been feeling them quite a bit too..I spend much of the day sitting very still while working on a painting and I find I notice them most then. I can't wait to hear your scan results. We had brief scan at an appt with our OB yesterday...measured 17+2 and he was able to get a good idea of gender which corresponded with my instinctive guess! It really is starting to feel like it just might really happen...I still have my wobbly moments but tentatively hopeful that it might be a case of 5th time lucky for us. Sending you lots of love from down under...Alix

    1. Thanks, Alix!!! OMG they are so cool, but very sci-fi. Are you going to tell people the sex or are you going to wait for a definitive determination? I think we are only going to tell our immediate family and then tell others around the holidays in a Christmas card. Yeah, probably cheesy, but I have a funny idea on how to incorporate my animal children into the mix. I think it will be more humorous than anything else! Sending you lots of love as well! We are almost half-way there!!! :)

  4. Wow! Congratulations on 18 weeks. It certainly flies (Im living vicariously through you). How amazing that you are feeling the baby! I am so happy for you.

  5. That is such an awesome feeling! I just can't believe you are 18 weeks already....can't wait for the pics of the next scan!

  6. That's so exciting! I can't believe you are 18 weeks already. Seems like just yesterday I was reading about your BFP! I can't wait to find out if it's a boy or girl. Get excited...this is going to happen for you =)

  7. It is so cool that you are feeling movement! And it's cool that people are starting to notice. It really is real, you are pregnant with a baby!

    I will be thinking about you on Monday and I can't wait to hear how it goes. I am so glad you had the NT/Quad test, that makes going in a little more peaceful. Enjoy seeing your little button!

    It is crazy how other people's weeks fly by and my own seem to be dragging their heels. 18 Weeks! You are doing awesome!

    1. So funny, Sunshine, I thought that about you the other day - 8 weeks already - so not so far behind me, but yours is going so much faster than mine!

  8. Awww ... s/he's there and wants you to really know it! That's so sweet, and so amazing. It's really happening! I have every faith you'll have a wonderful anatomy scan - I hope you can relax and just enjoy the looks inside. (Ha ha yeah I know ... easier said than done right!)

  9. I'm 4 weeks behind you and feel little flutters at times already. This pregnancy has been very strong so far, I think I have a little warrior in there. Are you going to find out the sex? I plan to at 18 weeks! I'm just checking in on you and so glad to hear everything is going ok! Got a bump yet?

    1. Finding out the sex today! I am a total planner by nature so going 40 weeks not knowing would be so hard for me. Definitely have a small bump. I added a new pic over on the other tab. Can't believe that you are 14 weeks! Seems like it is going by faster for others than it is for me. :)
