The key to getting pregnant?

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Fair warning people.  Read no further if talking about sex and org.asms (for the purpose of baby making, of course) makes you uncomfortable or offended!!  I am being totally honest and open here so here goes...

When I was on birth control I had ZERO sex drive (cue the KY).  Ok, there were a few days out of the month (usually right after my period ended) that I would maybe get the desire to have sex, but that wasn't a sure thing.  This frustrated both my husband and I, but we'd make it work.  I could have an org.asm once in a while, but if there was any amount of stress in my life at the time it would be extremely difficult.

Once I went off of birth control I felt like a new woman.  I actually had a sex drive again and something I never even knew existed in that of CM.  AMAZING!  I got my org.asm back with much less of a production and we got pregnant on the first real try after going off the pill.  Even the second and third times we got pregnant were seemingly easy even though my cycles were really long.  This has led me to believe that there may be some truth to the belief that org.asms may help one get pregnant.  Every time that I have gotten pregnant so far has happened with several org.asms during my fertile period.

The last two cycles that I have been on Femara have been good for the fact that they have pushed up my ovulation to a somewhat normal time frame.  The bad news is that I now have had much less of a sex drive on Femara and much less CM than I am used to, most likely due to the decreased estrogen.  Decreased sex drive + little CM = no org.asms = no baby (??).  I have read articles proving and disproving the theory that female org.asms (depending on when they are had) can increase one's chances of conceiving.  I have read in many places that female org.asm up to 1 minute before or 45 minutes after insemination causes increased sperm retention and thus a higher chance of conception (See article: Is Female Org.asm Important to Getting Pregnant?).

Obviously female org.asm doesn't have to occur for a woman to get pregnant.  My group therapy leader was discussing that while she believes that it is helpful because it also means that your body is generally more relaxed and open to conception, she knows that there are circumstances where people become pregnant against their own will (i.e. rape victims).  Also, women get pregnant from IUI so it can't totally make or break a chance at conception.
This cycle has been slightly different than my last two Femara cycles, which never contained any org.asms.  For the last two cycles I have been so stressed out just thinking "This has to work".  This cycle I started taking Mucinex on cd 10 and it is definitely starting to help now.  I noticed a ton of watery CM yesterday (didn't even need to check my cervix to notice that!).  I usually have several days of watery CM before a day or two of EWCM and a positive opk. 

Last night I was determined to "make things work"!  I used the breathing exercises that I learned in my group therapy to calm myself down before we DTD.  I also (secretly) used a little Pre-Seed ahead of time, which, if you haven't tried it, is an amazing invention.  Long story short, all my little tricks paid off last night and I finally got my org.asm back, again.  I think we fell right into the time frame above and things happened pretty simultaneously, too.  I am hoping that this is a good sign that maybe this cycle will work. 

I am curious to any readers who made it this far into the article... What are you thoughts on female org.asm and conception?  If you are pregnant or have gotten pregnant do you remember if you were able to hit the big O around the time that you conceived?  Do you find it harder to org.asm during your fertile time because you are stressing out about getting pregnant?

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10 Responses to “The key to getting pregnant?”

  1. In my own personal research I can claim that I know nothing. I had one orgasm that resulted in a pregnancy and have had several that haven't but I also went many years of orgasms without ovulating and much sex without orgasm all the while never getting pregnant. Last month I thought I had both going on and nothing. I don't know about orgasms but I think it's got to help if it is sex with passion and love and not just sex with stress and fear. I think this is very interesting and most likely one day we will know for sure if it helps or not but hopefully women don't start stressing about this too and trying to force their orgasms.

    1. Seriously! The stressing is what makes it worse. I feel like most of the time I am more concerned about what putting the info in my chart will do then actually trying to make it enjoyable in the moment. How sad is that??

  2. Both times we conceived was without an orgasm. On my part, obvs. My orgasms are a "all hands on deck" affair and I like to leave the vaginal cavity alone once there is some semen in there. So, we focus on my orgasms when I am not ovulating. However, I've read the same stuff you've read about semen retention and orgasm. Specifically, the orgasm helps move the semen up, up, up.

    1. Ok this makes me feel better knowing that you got pregnant 2 times without. I think I stress myself out because I feel like if I don't orgasm it won't work and then I can't get there thinking about it!

  3. To me a normal part of sex is the female orgasm - so if it helps us conceive that's even more awesome. We are going to have to go down the road of IVF so I think that takes a lot of the fertility stress off of the act of sex.

  4. I mean, if someone told me that orgasms helped with grocery shopping, I would have them. If someone told me they would help with getting lint out of my dryer, I would have them. If anyone says 'hey maybe you should have an orgasm' sign me up, sign me up!

    But 45 seconds to a minute before bubs.. Hmmm.. Now we're getting tricky tricky. Plus I don't know about you, but if I'm really trying hard to have one - I probably won't.

    I mean I would say that having orgasms helps just because of the relaxation factor.. Even if it were proven that having an orgasm right around insemination didn't really do anything, I would say any given month I'm more relaxed the more orgasms I have, at least by a little...

    1. Yup. The harder I try the harder it is. I keep telling myself that I will have trouble getting there. It is a self-fulfilling prophecy!

  5. I have NEVER experienced an orgasm, or actually felt any pleasure from sex. (Minus one time i was young and tried a drug and actually did feel pleasure which scared the heck out of me so i made him stop) And i've got pregnant 3 times during my life, so it definately doesn't make a difference to me I don't think. It might help in the way that you'd be enjoying it so perhaps your body is more relaxed, and with the spasms of the vagina it might move the sperm along faster? I dunno. If it doesn't help then it doesn't, but if it helps you enjoy this process even more then why not?

  6. I always (well 99.5% of the time) have an orgasm. Is it necessary to conceive? I don't think so, but I haven't read the research. I feel sorry for people who have trouble having an orgasm.

  7. Here are some positives for the orgasm. (As if it isn't a positive of it's own right)
